Refugees go through a lot on their way to a new country. They are uprooted from a conflict-ridden home country and thrust into a whole new culture. Before, during and after migration, this trauma can have a lasting effect. Equine therapy for refugees is an innovative, but highly effective, new approach to mental health that is worth considering for any country with a high refugee population.
The Impact of War
Before would-be refugees even have the chance to flee their home countries, they are often traumatized. Seeing war and violence first hand puts them at a higher risk than the general population for developing anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Resettlement in a new country can spur attachment disorders, and worsen anxiety and depression.
It can be hard to measure the prevalence of PTSD and similar disorders in refugees. This is largely because of communication barriers, which may prevent complete understanding or development of trust between refugees and mental health professionals. The percent of refugees experiencing PTSD is estimated to be anywhere between 4% and 86%.
Symptoms of PTSD can vary. But in general, the diagnostic criteria is:
Flashbacks (unwanted, intrusive memories of traumatic event(s))
Severe emotional response to stimuli that is reminiscent of traumatic event(s)
Negative thoughts about oneself or the world
Difficulty maintaining close relationships
Feelings of being sad, hopeless, or numb
There are many more symptoms, and each person experiencing trauma will present differently. But no matter what, it is clear that many, if not most, refugees leave their home countries with severe emotional damage.
The Healing Powers of Horses
Horses have been used in therapy since the days of the Ancient Greeks--Hippocrates himself noted the therapeutic effects of interacting with horses. To this day, the goal of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is to foster a bond between human and horse that is soothing, and teaches skills such as emotional regulation and self-confidence.
Horses can perceive human emotion in a way other humans cannot. A horse can tell if its rider is anxious or sad, and will respond a certain way. This is not only a measurable occurrence, it can teach one how to regulate and control strong emotions.
Increased self confidence
Improved emotional regulation
Improved sense of trust
Feelings of connection
How Equine Therapy Can Help Refugees
Equine therapy for refugees can help with the wide range of mental health issues that a refugee may face. Refugee populations are plagued with trauma and mental anguish; self harm, suicide attempts, aggression, and issues with anxiety and depression are common.
The benefits of EAP listed above show how horses can be an effective treatment for this trauma. Equine therapy for refugees is not just a sound idea in theory though, it’s been shown to work. The United Pony Caravan provided weekly equine therapy to refugees in Greece, and saw the effects right away. The horses act as a link between the refugee and the therapist; through the horse, the refugee experiences love, respect, and confidence.
Equine therapy for refugees is a shelter in the storm of trauma. It provides an outlet for a myriad of emotions, and fosters self confidence and respect. Through equine therapy, refugees experiencing trauma can learn to self regulate their emotions, and, bit by bit, begin to heal.